Oracle had anounced retirement of old (HTML) version of Metalink what really scared me. I was asking my colleagues and friends on DBA position which version are they using or prefer. All answers (except one) were same: HTML. I understand that Oracle fell in love with "Open Laszlo" technology times ago but new "My Oracle Support" (a.k.a Flash version) is really piece of #%%^#$#$. I used old good HTML version until it's official death. Now I have no choice as since last weekend HTML version is working no longer and I must use "My Oracle Support". And I need to say it's a painful experience. My last login to this site took "only" 19 min. (I have really good internet connection) so "Benefits" listed on page as "Improved System Stability" or "Faster Problem Resolution" becomes funny to me. In case you were using direct link ( to Oracle Certification Matrix (which was accessible without need to login to Metalink) in your posts then keep in mind this application had disappeared too.